International projects

Fagskolen i Viken contribute to several Erasmus + projects. At this point we contribute as a partner in the projects TEFFIC, NetKom, BlendVET and DigiDemo. Our organization coordinates the project DIRTT. Read on for information about each project. 
For us, international projects are a way of developing our organization and contributing to the common good across Europe.
Do your organization believe we could be a good fit for a project idea? If so, please contact us.

2021-2-NO01-KA210-VET-000051341 Erasmus + “Tourism, Local Food, and Sustainability”


The project involved bringing together industry partners who could contribute on multiple levels, such as:

• Mobility for students and staff
• Regional collaboration for local tourism and associated industries to learn from one another and co-develop ventures
• Professional strengthening of our teaching and sharing abilities
• A consistent focus on sustainability

The Danish island Bornholm met our criteria and we began exploring collaboration. The project's funding allowed us to establish local partners and start the project. Bornholm and Geilo in Hallingdal are characterized by business clusters based on tourism, hospitality, local food, and nature. We aimed to set up a cluster of partners and a learning arena to fulfill our learning needs.

Connecting closely with local businesses was essential. Bornholm has successfully integrated collaboration with the local community, from breweries to hotels, catering firms to museums, local festivals to schools.

Read about Project Report Tourism, local food and sustainability 


DIRTT – Developing Intereuropean Resources for Trail building Training

DIRTT logo

The aim is to develop an educational framework and professional training program for people active in the trail building sector, addressing the needs of professionals and volunteers in the field of of planning, design, construction, maintenance and management of mountain bike trails. 

As a result of this project, Fagskolen I Viken are offering a new study program with a total of 30 ECTS starting in August 2022. Read more about the program and how to apply here››

TEFFIC – Transforming Educational programs For Future Industry 4.0 Capabilities


This project aims at identifying and addressing the gaps in skills between industry needs and the future competences of engineers and technicians focused on the emerging domain of Industry 4.0. The project addresses the identified needs and challenges through the development of an overall ‘Educational Framework’, which is the core output of the project. The Educational Framework should be regarded as a ‘toolbox’ for educators within the domain of Industry 4.0. The aim of the Educational Framework is to support the educational activities and decision making at each of the partnering institutions, addressing and minimising the gaps in skills and competences between industry needs and the educational capabilities. 


NetKom - Netzkompetenz für eine digitalisierte Arbeitswelt 4.0 v.2

The digitization of the world of work, especially in the context of Industry 4.0 and a new digital learning culture, requires learners to have expanded skills. In addition to specific professional core competencies, skilled workers must also have broad, interdisciplinary competencies to successfully face the changes in industrial production and in society. This implies correspondingly professional teachers who prepare young people as best as possible in the context of training and further education for the professional requirements. There are challenges for the teachers, on the one hand to understand the dynamic development of the technologies for themselves and on the other hand to establish suitable learning implementation concepts in the courses.

For this reason, the strategic partnership from five European countries (Norway, Germany, Lithuania, Austria, and Portugal) has set itself the common goal of developing new approaches to the professionalization of teachers in European vocational education and training in the context of Industry 4.0 to try out.

DigiDemo - Digitizing products – Creating demonstrators for Future Education

Digidemo logo

DigiDemo is a European collaborative project aiming at developing pedagogic demonstrators to train engineering students in  designing, developing and commercialising connected products considering ecological requirements. By this, DigiDemo contributes to the competitiveness of European industry and to the requirements of European sustainability goals such as the European Green Deal.


A total of 20 demonstrators will be created marrying mechatronics and IoT topics. Demonstrators will respond to different levels of complexity and address students at different levels of their studies. 

BlendVet - Blended learning in vocational eduction and training

BlendVet logo

The project aims to develop knowledge and competence through good practice and examples of blended learning. Blended learning combines digital education activities with physical face-to-face education activities to provide students with the best possible learning outcome. Through the project we as partners share knowledge and increase our competence, to the benefit of our students.